Friday, October 29, 2010

Hony Chief Minister of Rajasthan Shri Ashok Ghalot Launched Bharat Berry services for India Officially

One Big Day for Indian IT Industry. Setting aside all ongoing controversies of Blackberry feature in India, Rajasthan Based Largest IT Company Data Infosys Limited has launched a Solution for all blackberry and other mobile users.

Hony Chief Minister of Rajasthan Shri Ashok Ghalot Today at his residence with Dr. Ajay Data CEO & Mr. Nitin Walia Director Data Infosys launched the Bharatberry Services for all Indian Subscribers.

Bharatberry is an Indian compliant Product made in India keeping in consideration all necessary India laws. Bharat Berry is a mobile communication service that works with all blackberry phones and provides more advance push mail with over the air (OTA) backup of your Contact, Task, Calendar and notes. Also it provides Sync to your outlook. The Bharat Berry software can be purchased online and available for downloaded from the website For enabling access to all services including e-mails, users will be charged Rs.100 per month, while to ensure access and synchronisation of calendar and contacts the user will have to pay Rs.50 per month.

We are happy that the solution has come from Rajasthan based company said Hony Chief Minister of Rajasthan Shri Ashok Ghalot. Unchecked terrorist activities are the major concern of security agencies as it can escape detection by using BlackBerry's coded services.'

The Bharat Berry service on a BlackBerry handset ensures that you remain connected to your email, calendar and contacts through the servers hosted in India, Bharat Berry works through a mix of its very advanced email server known as XGeNPlus, and open source technologies. Our servers are hosted in India; hence there is no compliance issue. Currently ' Ajay Data, Founder & CEO of Data Infosys Limited. The software is targeted on BlackBerry handsets and by next month, it will be supporting all major mobile handsets based on Symbian, Android, Windows Mobile and J2ME, which will cover all major mobile handset providers like Nokia, Samsung, Motorola, etc.

About Bharat Berry

Bharat Berry is a service from Data Infosys, the largest Internet Service Provider in Rajasthan. Bharat Berry runs as a module of XGen Plus, an advanced email server which has been integrated using open source technologies. BharatBerry keeps mobiles phones and devices in sync with personal computers, email systems and social networks via the cloud using XGen Plus. Over-the-air (OTA) synchronization of calendar and contacts ensures there is no need to take backup and attach with the desktop computer or laptop.

For more information, visit:

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

What is the difference between a virtual attack and one in the street?

The virtual world ¨internet¨ is a reflection of the physical one, and what you do in the virtual one…also is going to have effects in the real world.

There isn’t difference between criminals; their mind work in the same way…the difference is the knowledge and sophistication to attack banks, people, data centers, etc. At the end the results are the same, victims and winners, an unfair balance. Meanwhile the robbers in the street look the best strategy to steal with a silence or violent method…the criminal hackers hide themselves and design the route map to attract a victim. Both like a eagle when is looking the prey.

How can be possible people with a great intellectual knowledge…using it for malicious purposes? If all these people make a team could do big advances in technology for the well being of people and improve qualities of life.

Now the trend is cyber security, how your business can be safe from cyber criminals that take advantage of technology to make money in a dirty way.

But if the resources apply to avoid and do these criminals acts, would be address to good actions…the world could have a better future. I just want to make a reflection; in the world there are beautiful things to live, why are people making damage to other one? even in the virtual or physical dimension? I hope the next generations change completely the trend and we can begin to do it now.

There are companies worried about the security issues and working with others to decrease and eliminate the threat. You can find more information about Data Infosys, and their products Xgen Plus, Spamjadoo and BharatBerry.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Tax fraud...How can you recognize a phishing email?

One day you received an "official" email telling you that your tax payment has not been accepted. The accounting is critical and essential, so your business can be a victim of phishing scam.

Phishing scam: is the criminally fraudulent process of attempting to acquire sensitive information such as usernames, passwords and credit card details by masquerading as a trustworthy entity in an electronic communication. Resource:

These days I received the following email:


Since the beginning the orthography shows that it is not a professional and official email...

Your Federal Tax Payment ID: 01037598849 has been not accepted.

Pelase, make sure that all ifnormation you have submitted is crorect and refer to Code R21 to find out the informaiton about copmany payemnt. Pelase cnotact this page if you have any questions:

A Link which you should never make click

and at the end a warning:

You are uisng an Ofifcial United States Government System, which may be used only for authroized purposes. Unauthorized modification of any information stored on this sytsem may result in criminal prosecution....etc.

This warning make more credible or trustful the take care.

Please be careful and pay attention to details. Here some tips for any person-non technical, easy to follow:
  1. First read slowly and dont be scared or act quickly.
  2. Call the official number from other source directory and confirm about what you received.
  3. DONT give sensitive information or data that they should have
  4. DONT make click in any link inside the email.
  5. The virtual world is the same real one, behave in the same way you do daily with unknown or strangers people.
The antiphishing working group recommends reporting phishing scams here:

  • Forward the e-mail to
  • Forward the e-mail to the Federal Trade Commission at
  • Forward the e-mail to the abused e-mail address of the company that is being spoofed (such as When forwarding spoofed messages, always include the entire original e-mail with its original header information intact.
  • Notify the Internet Fraud Complaint Center of the FBI by filing a complaint on its Web site:
For more information to avoid phishing scams or maintain your email secure with privacy settings

Monday, September 27, 2010

What a relief for BlackBerry Users- BharatBerry launch

Finally good news for BlackBerry users in India, new launch of BharatBerry, alternative which provides over the air (OTA) Email, Contact, Calendar Sync & India legal compliance.

Here is good news for BlackBerry users. Data Infosys is going to launch Bharat Berry, an India-compliant service for the existing users of the BlackBerry service in India who are worried about the disruption of this great service that is gradually becoming the mobile communication backbone of corporate India. The Bharat Berry service on a BlackBerry handset ensures that you remain connected to your email, calendar and contacts through the servers hosted in India. In addition, Bharat Berry provides over-the-air (OTA) synchronization of calendar and contacts for multiple mail accounts. The product is the brainchild of Dr. Ajay Data.

Bharat Berry works through a mix of its email server, XGeN Plus, and open source technologies. Our servers are hosted in India hence there is no compliance issue, says Dr Ajay Data. We have tested the service thoroughly on all BlackBerry models and it works well with all of them. It is a completely secure, fully tested, and totally reliable service, adds Dr Data.

This Smart Service for Mobile India is a simple, economical, widely-available and India-compliant email and business application solution over computer and mobile devices for all. It works with corporate mail, Gmail and personal email accounts. It offers all the data and communication facilities that one is used to.

About Bharat Berry

Bharat Berry is a service from Data Infosys, the largest Internet Service Provider in Rajasthan. Bharat Berry runs as a module of XGen Plus, an advanced email server which has been integrated using open source technologies. BharatBerry keeps mobiles phones and devices in sync with personal computers, email systems and social networks via the cloud using XGen Plus. Over-the-air (OTA) synchronization of calendar and contacts ensures there is no need to take backup and attach with the desktop computer or laptop.

For more information, visit:

About XGenPlus

XgenPlus is an enterprise-class, virus-free, spam-free email server software. It supports all basic facilities such as POP3, IMAP, web mail, mobile mail and security. Xgen Plus programmer interface and Database backend makes it the worlds most advanced email server. XgenPlus runs on Linux supporting JDK 1.4 and above. The scalable architecture of XgenPlus allows organizations to scale from one user to millions of users, making it a viable solution for organizations of all sizes. The software has been in use at several large and small organizations including RBI and SpectraNet.

About Dr. Ajay Data

Dr Ajay Data heads Data Infosys. He is credited with establishing the first WiFi HotSpot in Rajasthan. Dr Data holds an MBA in Computer Science from Newport University, USA, a Ph.D. in Electronic Data Processing from Netherlands, and a diploma in System Analysis & Design from Uptron, India. Dr. Ajay has received the Certificate of Excellence from the Junior Chamber of Commerce, Jaipur, for his outstanding services. He has also received the International Millennium Gold Star Award for Enriching Human Life and Outstanding Attainments.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Blind Carbon Copy - An anti-spam precaution

Usually in your email account, you will find different options to send messages:

To: Principal recipients

Cc: Carbon copy to people can be interested or related with the principal message.

Bcc: Blind carbon copy to send the same message to multiple recipients, hiding their e-mail addresses from each other.

Usually BBC is used in mailing lists, But WHY?

For one side is courtesy, this is a sensible anti-spam precaution because it avoids making a long list of e-mail addresses available to all the recipients. To and CC field allow users to see all recipients address which can be inadequate when you are sending message on behalf of a business or organization, it may be especially important to keep lists of clients, members or associates confidential.

Spammers and email-borne viruses take advantage of people who don’t delete long email lists in the messages. It’s important to remove addresses of previous recipients when you forward an email.

To reduce the risk to be part of a spammer list, encourage people who forward messages to you to use BCC. Besides, you can use a specialized software Spamjadoo to avoid irrelevant messages and more privacy for you and your business.

Almost all emails servers have BBC option. But If you cannot BBC without write an address in TO, you can write your own address, it will help you to confirm that the message was sent and hide your recipients ID.

Internet is a free and open resource but we also should take some precautions like in the real life.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

How to protect your system

  1. Keep your web browsers and operating system up to date.
  2. Use security software tools as your first line of defense.
  3. Use strong passwords or strong authentication technology to help protect your personal information.
  4. Do not open e-mail attachments from an unknown, suspicious, or untrustworthy source.
  5. Back up your files frequently.
  6. Exercise caution when downloading files from the Internet. Make sure that the Web site is legitimate and reputable. Verify that an anti-virus program has checked the files on the download site. If you have any doubts, don't download the file at all. If you download software from the Internet, be especially vigilant of free software, which often carries adware or other potentially unwanted content along with it. Always read the privacy policies and end-user license agreements (EULAs) for software you install, regardless of the source. Be especially wary of screensavers, games, browser add-ons, peer-to-peer (P2P) clients, and any downloads claiming to be “cracked” or free versions of expensive applications, such as Adobe® PhotoShop® or Microsoft® Office. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Source: Macfee
  7. Do not open messages or click on links from unknown users in your instant messaging program.
  8. Delete chain e-mails and other spam from your inbox.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Spam cartoon!

Publish Post
This is like the telephone problem - no one wants to have the first one. But we are seeing a lot of people who want some sort of technology to solve the spam problem. Anti-spam info

The rules of spam
Rule #1: Spammers lie.
Rule #2: If a spammer seems to be telling the truth, see Rule #1

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Top Ten Countries Hosting Phishing Attacks

The U.S. continues to be the top hosting country for phishing attacks by a considerable margin for the eighth consecutive month; in June, the U.S. hosted 63% of the phishing attacks identified by RSA.

Australia and Canada remained as top hosting countries while South Korea, which has been one of the top three hosts for several months, dropped to the seventh position, hosting just 3.5 percent of attacks in June.

More interesting data: Cybercriminals Widely Using Public Social Networks to Give Command and Control Orders to Banking Trojans.

The Australian Competition & Consumers Commission (ACCC) released statistics showing that people reported 550 online dating scams in 2009.

With free dating sites, it is estimated that at least 10 percent of new accounts created each day are from scammers.

Are you sure you are connect with a human being, a boot or a criminal? How identify with who you are talking?. Anti-Spam & Privacy Technnology

Source: RSA Anti-fraud Command Center

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Warning & examples Scam emails

Spam is another word for unsolicited junk email. Spam is sent by some individual or company to e-mail inboxes, advertising everything from pornography and phoney charity scams to dodgy get-rich-quick schemes and free websites.

  1. Free offer scams
  2. Nigerian scams
  3. Mortgage scams
  4. Health Insurance scams
  5. Online Car or auto auctions scams
  6. Scholarship scams
  7. Employment job scams
  8. Work from home scams
  9. Travel Scams
  10. Scholarship scams

The New Zealand Police has urged its citizens to apply the following formula to prevent being scammed. Whenever you are solicited by a request online to reveal any personal or financial details, imagine the same thing being asked of you by a stranger on the street. Would you reveal it to him?

Then there is no reason to treat the online request differently.

These days I have received scam emails to my free email account. I want to share it and warn people about it:

  • From:

After going through your information over the internet i decided to contact you for friendship and assistance for distribution of my inheritance towards charity. My name is Jenny Lee; I am a dying woman who has decided to donate what I have for the good work of charity. I am 60 years old and I was diagnosed for breast cancer for about 2 years now.

And begin with a “good” intentions and a sad story…mmm could you believe it?

If the email purports to be a legitimate charity or organization then always check the charity's contact details on the web (never rely on the email details) and contact them directly if you wish to make a donation. Even, bad people use Haiti earthquake like a hook to ask for financial "help" . It is sad how they take advantage of this kind of situation.

  • From: "W U"

Congrats.,confirm receipt $50,000 USD by sending your Name, Address ,Age, Sex,Phone Number, Etc

Be very CAREFUL with anybody or email promising you a lot of FREE MONEY. Besides, If someone require your information asap, is pressurizing and counting on you to make a hasty decision. Don’t do it, any decision take it with cool mind.

  • From:


Worldwide Donation Program "helping one to help others...." ah? Do u think is possible?

I have been directed to inform you that you have been chosen for a cash grant of 1,000,000.00usd (1million) by the board of trustees of the above stated non-governmental aid organisation.

Your grant number is B01-0147. Contact Rev.dr seun razaq via telephone +2348051809752 email, and provide these details: 1).Full name. 2).Address 3).Telephone number.

[Cell preferably] (4).Occupation. Regards. Adolfo Pepe

Nothing is for free…Everyone can create a website, is you want to confirm, do it through real authorities and don’t click on any link, go to independents resources to know about the company or offer.

Now these messages also come by phone, fax, or email.

  • From:

My name is Mr.Michal Koko , what I have that may be of interest to you is a business proposal that will benefit you.I work with the Royal Bank of Scotland here in Madrid Spain. The main reason I am writing to you is based on a Corporate Bank account that has been lying dormant for some years now, it was owned by a late Canadian industrialist.Due to my investigations, I found out that she died on 22nd of September,2001 from injuries sustained from an auto crash in venezuela, with no child, next of kin or relative.

more movie ask for personal information and bank account...

Once this is done, we will give a certain percentage of the funds to you and keep the rest for ourselves. I will inform you more on how to get the account transferred to you upon your response by email.I would want you to have it in mind that this project is 100% risk free.

Again a dramatic story to collaborate with them…well don’t reply and don’t fall in their game. You should think how is the real world, if something like that happens…what do you do in their position, trust in a stranger, whose email address you found in a social networking website?

There are lot of treats and frauds on internet. Using a corporate account, your business will be safe from scam or reduce the probability And using anti-spam technology, you can avoid be victim and be more productive in your work

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Free email account for business?

Hotmail, yahoo, gmail and more free email servers have huge popularity and are widely used, but are you sure are safe and corporate for your business?

  • Free accounts are target by phishers, pharmers, hackers, crackers and other cyber crooks who attempt to steal sensitive information or plant e-mail worms, Trojan Horses and other malware.
  • Free accounts are attack with undesired ads, which is one of the main reasons that these providers can offer their services for free.
  • You might lose your account if you do not use it within a certain time, if you subscribe your email to any business or website; your information is gone.
  • Not real customer service.
  • Because users of Hotmail and Yahoo! Mail accounts share their Internet domains with millions of other users across the Web, they run the risk of having their e-mail addresses accidentally blacklisted by recipients that decide to block entire domains from their inboxes, rather than just specific e-mail addresses. Such blanket blacklistings thus may hurt users that aren´t guilty of spamming or any other netiquette breaches.
  • Any message can be intercept and even modify before arrive to the final destination.

Your own domain gives you a unique email identity. Besides an encryption and secure exchange of message to do business transactions or share confidential information. Try an Enterprise email server online .

Protect your children online

"Online enticement of children for sexual acts has increased 714% since 1998." The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children

"Seventy-three percent of American teens aged 12 to 17 now use social networking sites such as Facebook and MySpace, up from 55 percent two years ago" Federal Trade Commission

The latest statistics should alert us about the security problems online with a high vulnerability group, kids and teenagers. For parents the control becomes difficult in the cyberspace because the long time spend on internet, webcams, emails, social networking websites, online games and more tools.

Here are some simple tips to decrease the risk, which are suggested by US-CERT:

  • Be involved – Use internet with your children. Consider activities you can work on together, whether play a game, research a topic you had been talking about and teach him good habits.
  • Keep your computer in an open area – It gives you the opportunity to intervene if you notice a behavior that could have negative consequences.
  • Set rules and warn about dangers - Post these rules by the computer as a reminder. The goal isn't to scare them, it's to make them more aware.
  • Monitor computer activity - Be aware of what your child is doing on the computer, including which web sites they are visiting. If they are using email, instant messaging, or chat rooms, try to get a sense of who they are corresponding with and whether she actually knows them.
  • Keep lines of communication open - Let your child know that they can approach you with any questions or concerns about behaviors or problems she may have encountered on the computer.
  • Consider implementing parental controls - For example, Internet Explorer allows you to restrict or allow certain web sites to be viewed on your computer, and you can protect these settings with a password. To find those options, click Tools on your menu bar, select Internet Options..., choose the Content tab, and click the Enable... button under Content Advisor.
  • Consider partitioning your computer into separate accounts - Most operating systems (including Windows XP, Mac OS X, and Linux) give you the option of creating a different user account for each user. If you're worried that your child may accidentally access, modify, and/or delete your files, you can give her a separate account and decrease the amount of access and number of privileges she has.

In addition to limiting functionality within your browser, avoid letting your browser remember passwords and other personal information.

Internet is a amazing resource for academic and entertainment purposes. But it also represents threats, specially for kids. Children still need advice, guidance, and protection; it doesn't matter that their advanced knowledge in computers over parents, be aware and inform them about the risk and good habits to use online.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Staying Safe on Social Networks Websites

The more information malicious people have about you, the easier it is for them to take advantage of you. Almost all our information is on internet, and with the new boom of social networks websites we are publishing information about our friends, location, hobbies, all about our daily life.

But when people reveal personal information, they don’t take the same cautions as they would when meeting someone in person, because:

  • the internet provides a sense of anonymity
  • the lack of physical interaction provides a false sense of security
  • they tailor the information for their friends to read, forgetting that others may see it
  • they want to offer insights to impress potential friends or associates

Predators may form relationships online and then convince unsuspecting individuals to meet them in person, case of a Girl with just 17 years old in US that was killed by a predator who said be a teenager. Also attackers can distribute malicious code or execute a social engineering attack to get personal or financial data.

What can you do to protect yourself?

Limit the amount of personal information you post Only post information you are comfortable with strangers seeing. When you post information, you can retract it, in spite that you delete it...may still exist in the servers. DO NOT publish personal data such as address or routine activities.

Be skeptical Be careful and don’t believe everything you read or people share, remember internet give the sense of safety and sometimes dangerous anonymous.

Keep a "private" email address which you share only with close friends and family. Never use this private email address on any site. Jmail by is recommended and provides you privacy.

Check privacy policies to restrict access to only certain people or others preferential settings. Consider limit the people who are allowed to contact you on these sites.

Use strong passwords Don’t use an obvious password or easily to guess, people can pretend be you.

Don't post your email address in "plain" form anywhere on the Web. Instead, you can disguise your email address by writing it in a convoluted way so that humans can still read it, but (spammers machine) bots can't. For example, instead of writing "", use "john AT example DOT com"

Remember always that the internet is a public resource.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

And you spent 5.73 years of your life deleting spam

People is spending more time online for business or personal entertainment. But how much time are you spending daily? According to Industry estimates, over $25 billion are lost per year in just the time spent by users to delete spam. At least 70% of all emails are spam, and the percentage shoots up at times to over 90%. Business solutions

Saturday, July 10, 2010

India Govt. asks Google, Skype, and RIM for access to email and other data or face a ban

According to the Economic Times, India’s government has asked the Department of Telecommunications (DOT) to send a notice to RIM, Skype, and Google requesting that each service open its email and other communication data to the Indian government.

These digital media are being misused by terrorists to bypass monitoring systems linked to mobile phone services. The companies must deliver in a format readable to the Indian security agency.

Now we should think about the consequences for the final users, privacy and security. From companies to persons will be disclose information. More transparency or privacy?, what is the scope of the governments over the companies and final users information?. Besides if RIM Blackberry, Skype and Google will adjust to the new procedures.

Let me know what you think.